Šī maģistra darba galvenais mērķis ir analizēt poskoloniālo pārdabisko Amitava Goša romānā “Kolkatas Hromosoma” (1995). Amitavs Gošs ir augsti novērtēts autors, kura darbi nes svarīgu ieguldījumu postkoloniālājā diskursā. Maģistra darba teorētiskā daļa ir balstīta uz dažādām teorijām, kas analizē konceptu postkoloniālais pārdabiskais. Tajās ir iekļautas tādas teorijas kā; postkoloniālisms, postmodernitāte, ‘pārdabiskā’ astētikas iezīmes un Neo-Viktoriāņu gotika. Šīs teorijas tiek izmantotas, lai interpretētu romāna tekstu darba praktiskajā daļā. Lai analizētu pārdabiskā astētikas iezīmes, pētījumā tiek izmantotas teorijas no Zigmunda Freida esejas “Baisais” (1919) un Nikolasa Roila grāmatas “Pārdabiskais”(2003). Šis pētījums pierāda, ka Ami...
Studious investigation of the socio-cultural ethos in the selected novels is discussed systematicall...
Postkoloniālajā literatūrā citādības jeb alteritātes jēdziens dominē diskusijās par Rietumu imperiā...
European Association of Commonwealth Language & Literature Seminar, 21-26 March 2005, University of ...
Amitav Ghosh is a prolific Indian English writer in English who has produced a continual form of his...
The plot of Amitav Ghosh\u2019s The Calcutta Chromosome is so complex that there is little consensus...
The essay analyses Amitav Ghosh's novel "The Calcutta Chromosome", exploring issues related to Briti...
The essay analyses Amitav Ghosh's novel "The Calcutta Chromosome", exploring issues related to Briti...
The plot of Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome is so complex that there is little consensus amon...
The archive as a metaphor emerges as a contentious zone in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome. N...
In this article Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome is analysed from a postmodern and postcolonia...
Amitav Ghosh’s postcolonial science fiction The Calcutta Chromosome is a rewriting of Ronald Ross’s ...
The applicability of trauma studies within an examination of postcolonial literature has been a cont...
The archive as a metaphor emerges as a contentious zone in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome. N...
none1noForms of knowledge and our understanding of the world are central concerns in Amitav Ghosh's ...
The present article reads the social and cultural afterlives of a particular marginalised group in c...
Studious investigation of the socio-cultural ethos in the selected novels is discussed systematicall...
Postkoloniālajā literatūrā citādības jeb alteritātes jēdziens dominē diskusijās par Rietumu imperiā...
European Association of Commonwealth Language & Literature Seminar, 21-26 March 2005, University of ...
Amitav Ghosh is a prolific Indian English writer in English who has produced a continual form of his...
The plot of Amitav Ghosh\u2019s The Calcutta Chromosome is so complex that there is little consensus...
The essay analyses Amitav Ghosh's novel "The Calcutta Chromosome", exploring issues related to Briti...
The essay analyses Amitav Ghosh's novel "The Calcutta Chromosome", exploring issues related to Briti...
The plot of Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome is so complex that there is little consensus amon...
The archive as a metaphor emerges as a contentious zone in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome. N...
In this article Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome is analysed from a postmodern and postcolonia...
Amitav Ghosh’s postcolonial science fiction The Calcutta Chromosome is a rewriting of Ronald Ross’s ...
The applicability of trauma studies within an examination of postcolonial literature has been a cont...
The archive as a metaphor emerges as a contentious zone in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome. N...
none1noForms of knowledge and our understanding of the world are central concerns in Amitav Ghosh's ...
The present article reads the social and cultural afterlives of a particular marginalised group in c...
Studious investigation of the socio-cultural ethos in the selected novels is discussed systematicall...
Postkoloniālajā literatūrā citādības jeb alteritātes jēdziens dominē diskusijās par Rietumu imperiā...
European Association of Commonwealth Language & Literature Seminar, 21-26 March 2005, University of ...